Press Releases

Communications Coordinator Moves on from Valley United Way

Shelton, CT- Valley United Way’s Board of Directors announced this week that it has accepted with deep regrets the resignation of its current Communications Coordinator, Becca Toms, effective December 23, 2020.  Ms. Toms has accepted a new position as Communications...

Harvest House goes Virtual in the Valley

October 2, 2020 – Shelton, CT –Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic last spring, food security issues have been on the rise and local pantries have been struggling to keep up with the increased need they have seen from the community. Typically, in the fall,...

Edgewell makes a Dent in Food Insecurity

September 10, 2020 – Shelton, CT –  During the summer, Edgewell Personal Care  partnered with Valley United Way to raise over $6,000 for 5 local food pantries serving Ansonia, Derby, Oxford, Seymour, and Shelton. When the Coronavirus caused the local economy to shut...

New Development Director for Valley United Way

Shelton, CT- Following months of strategic planning and then working with the community on Coronavirus Relief, Valley United Way is excited to announce the hiring of a new part time Development Director, Brian Mezzi of Clinton, CT. Mr. Mezzi also currently works at...


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