Harvest House
Always Open!
Shop any time. Support the five local foodbanks.
The need is greater than ever, so we have expanded our Harvest House. It is now open all year long. We encourage everyone to collect non-perishable food items and monetary donations for Valley United Way’s Harvest House. Valley United Way has transformed it into a virtual event over the past few years where you can donate food online for our Valley food pantries!
All year long, we are encouraging you to help by donating to area food pantries as they serve those who struggle with food insecurity. As you may know, issues of food insecurity exist in the Valley but have been exacerbated by the current high inflation.
Valley United Way’s goal is to raise $50,000 per year for the local pantries to ensure their shelves are full and families are fed, especially during the upcoming holidays. Funds raised will be distributed equally among the five main Valley food pantries:
* St. Vincent De Paul in Derby
* Salvation Army in Ansonia
* Spooner House in Shelton
* Seymour-Oxford Food Bank, and
* Kathleen Samela Memorial Food Bank at Christ Episcopal Church in Ansonia.
We urge you to please help the Valley United Way make an impact in our Valley community by donating “virtual groceries”. It’s easier than ever. Simply click or tap on the red Shop Now button to get started.
Thank you.

What Was Harvest House?
Give Food, Give Life
Harvest House was a collaborative, annual effort to construct a 400-square foot house and fill it with more than 100,000 items of food and non-perishables, which are later distributed to Valley-based food banks and agencies for people in need.
What Is Harvest House?
Virtual Experience
Since 2020, Harvest House has been a virtual food and shopping experience. This has allowed the event to take place over more than one day and to raise more dollars instead of food collections. You can still “shop” to donate buy using the online shopping cart. Click or tap the red button to begin.

View Sponsorship Levels
Platinum Hammer 10,000
- Prominent imprint and placement on T-shirts
- VUW Web site – Harvest House VII stories
- Company name listed in programs and video credits
- Personal corporate interviews on 2017 video
- Corporate interview on video
- Corporate representative/speaking on local television and radio
- (negotiating live broadcast – company rep interviewed)
- Company name and logo prominently displayed on event banner and board
- Company name listed in all press releases
- Company rep banner prominently displayed day of
Diamond Hammer $5,000
- Company/org listed on
tee shirt
Company listed in programsCompany listed onvideo Company listed onwebsite - Company banner displayed
Company listed on board and displayed at events leading up to and day of the build- Company prominently displayed on event banner and board
Company inpress release
Gold Hammer $2,500
- Company/org listed on
tee shirt Company listed inprogram Company listed inpress releaseCompany listed on VUW websiteCompany listed on event banner and board
Silver Hammer $1,000
- Company/org listed on
tee shirt - Company name displayed on event banner
- Company name listed on board
- Company name included in
press release Company listed on VUW website
Bronze Hammer$ 500.00
- Company/org listed on
tee shirt - Company name displayed on event banner
- Company listed in press release